The doctrine of the angelic college of heralds


1. The Commander-in-Chief, the “Angel of the Lord,” a reference to the ruler of the college of heralds, the Lord Jesus Christ. This is a theophany. The elect angels are always under the command of Christ and this would imply that the elect angels had a similar salvation to what we have today. It is related, at least, to the second person of the Trinity.

2. The seraphim heralds. The seraph is distinguished from all other angels as the highest-ranking because of his six wings, Isaiah 6:2. Angels do not have wings, with two exceptions: seraphs and cherubs. Wings are simply an insignia of rank. There are two categories of seraphs. There are the four angelic heralds and there is the king of arms. The king of arms is the highest, the “powerful angel” of Revelation 5:2.

3. The cherubim heralds, pur sui vant officers. The cherub has four wings. There are six categories of cherubs:

a. The cherubs who guard the gate of the Garden of Eden, Genesis 3:24.

b. The four cherubs, one at each wheel of the chariot of fire, Ezekiel chapters 1 and 10.

c. Lucifer the son of the morning, Ezekiel 28:14, who now bears the title Satan or devil and is the ruler of this world.

d. The pur sui vant officer who commands the weather machine, Revelation 7:2.

e. The angel with the golden incense shovel, Revelation 8:3.

f. The administrator of historical disaster, 2 Samuel 22:11; Psalm 18:10.

4. The wingless messengers of judgment, pur sui vant messengers. They include seven categories:

a. The angelic messengers who spent the night with Lot in Sodom, Genesis 19:13ff.

b. The destroying angel of 2 Samuel 24:16.

c. The destroying angels of Psalm 78:49.

d. The executioners of the city of Jerusalem, Ezekiel 9:1ff.

e. The man clothed in Linen who acts as the messenger of the chariot of fire, Ezekiel 10:6.

f.  The four angels each having a hemisphere who restrained the wind cells of the weather machine - Revelation 7:1.

g. The angels with the seven trumpets, Revelation 8:6. (Also there are seven angels bearing the wine goblets of the wrath of God)